Genre : Contemporary Romance, Mythology, Folklore Blurb : The eternal dance of attraction, lust and love has been going on since time immemorial. The divine apsara Menaka descends to Earth at Indra’s behest to distract the sage Vishwamitra from the penance that would bring him unimaginable powers. Menaka succeeds in bewitching Vishwamitra, but her actions are destined to have dire consequences for both. Eons later, their story is set to repeat itself. Poorva has always played by society’s rules and ideas of decorum. But what happens when her own loved ones betray her in the worst way imaginable? Does she still have to remain bound by their rules? Rudra plays with power and people like they are pieces on a chessboard. He has no qualms about indulging his desires, be it money or women, but is determined not to be bound by either. What happens when these two diametrically opposite souls are brought together by fate? In the game of power, lust, greed and betrayal, some win and...
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